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PMR round 23

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  • PMR round 23

    PMR Round 23

    Jerry smith - "I'm here at the Estadio da Luz as RB Leipzig tried to steal 6 points from their opponent Benfica having beaten them 5-2 earlier in the season. But today after going 2-1 down Benfica turned the heat up and continued too push back at Leipzig denying the same fate as there previous match eventually scoring 2 goals to come back and win it!

    speaking of goal scorers here he is the talk of the match Benfica's Central Defender who was scoring like a prime Cristiano Ronaldo today!

    hello D_Jurasek could we have a minute of your time?"

    * D_Jurasek walks over *

    D_Jurasek - "of course Jerry I've always got a minute for you!"

    Jerry smith - "well that was looking like a completely new Benfica out there. A week ago you wouldn't have dreamed of beating someone like Leipzig but today the team got three past
    Sarkic two of which you were responsible for talk me through what's changed?"

    D_Jurasek -​ "I mean as you know we have been without a manager for a lot of this season and its just made it impossible for me and the boys to play to or full potential. we go to war out there and every army needs a leader and we couldn't have asked for a better one really Thom Hughes managed Benfica when we were last challenging for the D2 title and since he has arrived even the trophy cabinet seems to be jumping with excitement. he's brought the hope back to our dreams and he's defiantly sparked the passion back in our hearts"

    Jerry smith - "what about your goals how are you feeling about them?"

    D_Jurasek - "look the Gaffer said go out there and play football the way you love to, he's not had much time on the training ground with us yet so i assume he just wanted to see our personality shine through. so that's what i did i love to join the attack if i can and catch the opponents DF of guard and today that worked very well"

    Jerry smith - "well it's sounded like Hughes was the final piece of the puzzle, ill let you get on Jurasek but well done today"

    ​​D_Jurasek -​ "Thanks Jerry I'll see you about"

    *Jurasek walks down to the Benfica changing room where riotous cheers can be heard*

  • #2
    398 Word count

