This week we bring you a multi part docu-series about the biggest event of the summer:
The trial Juventus manager Andy Banks.
After being given unprecedented access to the pre & post trial action and, of course, the actual trial itself we are excited to bring you in ins and outs of this highly talked about event with no agendas and no information omitted.
This breath taking series is likely to have you on the edge of your seat until the very end as it tells the TRUE story of what happened during the trial of the Juventus head coach over the signing of 19 year old G_Moscardo……
In the wake of collusion gate, the trial of AB was set at Sheffield Crown Court.
All eyes were on this case and this court house as Banks vs The People was expected to be a mighty clash and once and for all get to the bottom of this situation.
Before the trial started, a large gathering of people were spotted just 50 yards away from the entrance to the court holding signs, flaming torches & sharpened pitch forks whilst chanting ‘We want AB out, say we want AB out!’
Some reports say that their chants could be heard so clearly due to their PSG merchandise megaphones.
It appeared that Banks would be up against a 7 headed monster in the form of Dobbing in Darren of Arsenal, Snitching Steve O of Manchester United , Crooked Kirby of Fiorentina, Slimey Simon of PSG, Sidekick Steve of Chelsea, Shady Sam of FC Barcelona and for some unknown reason, Garysean Wilson of Carpet Warehouse.
A number of those same 7 had tried to influence the Juventus board to replace Banks with Wilson just the week before.
Those same 7 managers came into the courtroom all huddled together, surrounded by solicitors with Garysean Wilson emerging as lead council for the group.
AB stood alone as he chose to represent himself against this mighty foe.
The trial would take place with a dual judge of Nick Lovell of Manchester City and John Read of Inter Milan.
And so the trial began with each of the 7 managers who opposed Banks pulling out tattered, much used copies of the FFO rule book, clutching them in their hands while AB calmly pulled out a fresh, almost unused copy of the FFO spot auction rules.